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Enrich your MusicMaster playlists with visual content.


What you see is what you hear. mVisual as add-on for MusicMaster controls your playout technology with all its complexity and manages your secondary events at a glance.


Show based scheduling


mVisual is an add-on to MusicMaster. It allows you to use existing metadata from MusicMaster to enrich your audio or video streams with visual content. mVisual litteraly “understands” shows. It retrieves the rundown from MusicMaster without the usage of files, directly and seamlessly, and segments your schedules into shows. A schedule in mVisual can be as long as you need it to be, ranging from a single hour to multiple days or weeks. Allowing you to adapt it to the workflow you require.

Customized to your needs


mVisual does not come with a fixed set of instructions that are supposed to work for everybody, instead it is designed to cater to the individual needs of individual channels, as it is the essence of the channel that should drive the secondary content, and not the other way around. mVisual will be set up from scratch for you. Of course, the user interface can be customized with any amount of colors. So a show can look different from music video, can look different from a promo, can look diffrerent from.... 

Future proof

Graphics are something that changes over time, what was red becomes blue and what was a cliptitle with two lines displaying artist and title, might become one with five lines, displaying information about the show, the next show and the show tomorrow at the same time… With mVisual all of this is no longer a problem. With its infinite scalability rule system and unlimited secondary event templates, your On Air team can add an unlimited amount of new events and make them accessible to the users. 


Learn how your music could become visual


• Use schedule templates from MusicMaster 

• Apply secondary events

• Create complex export designs

• Guide the users with rules

• Multi-user environment

• Adjustable views and field links 

• Multiple playouts

• Read from multiple MusicMaster databases

• Move elements independently from MusicMaster

• Unlimited users and channels

• Display and export metadata from MusicMaster

• Fully Unicode

• Intuitive UI

• Powerful scripting language


If you want to know more about us and the products provided by ON AIR, just reach out to us and we will get back to you personally. 

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